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tv   Symone  MSNBC  May 21, 2022 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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>> that wraps it up. for yasmin vossoughian. i'll be back me tomorrow, 2 pm simone sanders picks it up eastern. right now. >> greetings everyone, you are watching symone a triple point federal justice says not so fast to the administrations planted love title 50. do you and the justice department is launching a new initiative to fight hate crimes, but isn't enough? plus, i went to a school in connecticut to speak with secretary of education, miguel cardona. now he says if you took out a student loan, eventually you will have to pay up. our exclusive conversation, later this hour. i'm simone sanders, and i have something to say. a federal job binge in louisiana, blocked biden
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administration impractical lifting title 42. now title 42 is the public health order that immigration officers have been using during the pandemic to block asylum seekers from entering the united states. over what they are calling public concerns. now, the tropical pointed judges robert our summer haze. and he said in his ruling that the cdc did not allow sufficient time for public comment before last month's announcement that the order will be lifted. just a few hours after the ruling, the justice department announced plans to appeal. and white house press secretary kareen jean pierre said quote, the authority to set public health policy nationally should rest with the centers for disease control, not with the single district court. well here at the latest is nbc news correspondent, in all things immigration grew, julia ainsley. welcome, julia. i first want to take a little bit deeper into the judges ruling. now, he has cited the administrative procedures act. what else we need to know? here >> that's right. that is the same act that was
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cited when, under the trump administration, we had in over turning of the trump administration's attempt to try to repeal dhaka. they said that they didn't follow the administrative procedures and allow for enough time for people who would be affected by this new rule to weigh in. same thing here. this judge, judge summer haze and louisiana, saying the state should have had an opportunity to weigh in before title 42 would be lifted, because they would be impacted by its lifting. now, the justice department is going to appeal and probably what they will say is the same thing that they have been saying and defending themselves before judge summer haze, which is to say, this is the cdc authority that. the pandemic we believe is winding down, and so therefore the cdc is making the decision to lift title 42. that it is not an immigration order. and of course, as you have to point out, a lot of the states that we are -- to keep it in place of the states that were the first to lift mask mandates. so it is not that they are
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going to be unduly hard in a public health, way if you look at the measures they've taken. they say that they would be impacted by a lot of migration coming in all it once. now, you have to point out the fact that we are already in a surge of migration over 7400 migrants crossing per day. they expect that to go up to about ten or 12,000 a day, when title 42 would eventually left. right now, it is definitely delay because just summer haze hasn't put an end in that injunction. he wants to hear this case based on the merits. but because of that, appeal we can expect this to then be kept up to an appeals level, and taken out of his courtroom. >> so, julia, i think that it is really important point because this legal process could drag on for a while, and let's just say would judge summer haze has ruled has to stand. advising content period you go on for months, it could go on for years, correct? >> that's right. i mean, eventually you would
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think that the idea that a public health order is in place over covid-19 that would really start to lose its flavor, it's justification, when this pandemic really winds down even further. of course can get kicked all way up to the supreme court, like so many of these immigration policies have, symone. and the supreme court because it is more conservative now, especially with the replacement of judge ginsburg with amy coney barrett, we are seeing more and more that a lot of immigration rulings or leaning towards allowing for billings like george summer when students to stay in place. so it is likely that it could stay in place for sometime. of course one thing that you have to realize is that, until congress rules, so many immigration orders are left or the heads of the white house, and then those end up in the
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hands of the courts. so in the end it is really congress needs to be setting immigration policy rather than the white house or the courts. >> nbc's julia ainsley, this is why you're the grab. thank you. all right, joining me now is our political panel, we have democratic congressman chewy garcia from illinois, new york times columnist charles blow, and united we dream executive director grace a martinez row south. all right guys, thank you for being here. let's start with title 42. you and grace, i want to start with you because you have that that this we will keep people of color from even seeking asylum. so what do you think of the next steps here? . well symone, i think it's clear. title 42's cruel cruel and evil. it was jumped up by trump and steve bannon and stephen miller. it is allowed -- images of patients being whipped by cpp agents. it was connected to this. idea and so what we need to do now, is exactly the white house that is gonna do, appeal it in the. courts and we are going to ensure that we push back against the lives of that
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republicans want to tell us that we don't have enough, and that we can't welcome families, and then we need to uphold with -- . >> congressman, garcía want to turn to you because i am wondering what legislative options, if any with every to counteract this really in the future. you heard julia, she said that this is on congress. >> well, in the house we passed legislation, three bills that would bring about immigration reform. so that people could have the ability to lift normally, for work, and have a pathway to citizenship. it was the -- it was the farmworker modernization act, and the build back better bill bill with protections for immigrants who are not documented yet to be a little work at, travel to their countries of oregon shun and movies. there is a much more that congress can do at this juncture, but i'm hoping that in the next month and a half or
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so, we can deliver on some of what's been passed at the house that is stagnated in the senate. but it is pretty clear that title 42 has little to do with public health, that is one of the vestiges of the donald trump period, and that president biden the many democrats campaigned on getting rid of. it just as we welcome ukrainian asylum seekers at the border it should be applied universally to anyone seeking asylum. it is not a guarantee that you can see her, but it is a guarantee that you can have due process and not live in the grill conditions at the border. >> well you have the last world on that one, sarah. i want to move on to abortion access. oklahoma just passed a bill banning abortions at any point after fertilization. yes, fertilization. the state already has a texas style ban on abortions after six weeks. and it is really want to cluster of states where abortion access is already severely restricted, or even where trigger laws are in place
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to ban abortion soon after as. well i want you to take a look at the screen because, this is the distance from southwest texas to northeast tennessee, and it is about 1000 miles. that is how far some folks would have to travel to get the care that they need, for some perspective that could be as much as ten tanks of gas round trip. so grayson, one of the rowing can patients who are seeking abortion care supposed to do here? >> i mean, symone, this is just another way in which republicans and the far-right are wanting to advance attacks against black and brown people. the truth is that, undocumented folks, undocumented people that are seeking abortions, aren't able to travel is myles even though once you talk about, because they are gates and other ways in which they are not allowed to pass. and so the reality is that i, and you, and many others watching this today today deserve the right to have autonomy over our body.
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that anyone who says otherwise is advancing a very destructive frame of mind that has cost lives. and will continue to cost them, so we have to stand up against. them >> i agree with you. i mean talking about who abortion care hurts the most, republican senator bill cast of louisiana folks, he was discussing the states high maternal mortality rate. and he said, and i'm gonna read this quote. he said about a african americans have a higher incidence of maternal mortality, so you correct or population for race, we are not as much as an outlier as it otherwise. appears he goes on to say he doesn't want to minimize the issue, but for whatever reason people of color have a higher incidence of maternal mortality. now, to let that come out of his mouth is just, unacceptable. completely unacceptable, and i'm gonna have something more to say about that later, but charles would say you? >> well, i think that we are seeing with the courts in
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general is a push back towards a states rights stands. and a states rights stands in a country that is plagued by all of the isn't's, racism, sexism and you know all of the phobias of homophobia, and whatever, is the most dangerous place to be. it is in that states right stance that jim crow was allowed to rise and not be struck down by the courts when the courts had a chance to do so, because when you allow state level politicians to dictate what is allowed for a person's body autonomy are not autonomy, then you are in very sketchy area. n we're fully quality can be denied, and can be legal, and we are seeing that play out in the abortion arena, but we have already seen it play out on the voting rights arena when they
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stripped the voting rights act. and we could see it play out on things like gay marriage, or whatever. i think we have to really register the danger zone that we are in with the courts, because of the position that they are taking, and that it will these days, many of them, disproportionately impact people like you just saying african americans, low wage people, hispanics, other racial ethnic minorities, or minorities who have who present differently in terms of sexuality orientation. >> let's stay on top about the courts, because i am from nebraska a nebraska, judges are appointed they are not elected. and it wasn't until i worked a race in college, when i was in tennessee, that i realized that judges were elected in some places across the country. but in many places, judges are appointed. if we are talking about the federal bench, it is whoever is in the white house at that time
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to put judges on the bench. how do we combat the crisis in the courts that we are seeing in so many places across the country? >> everybody is stuck, people are stuck, everybody is like i don't even know how do you combat that price in the. courts it's just, people are stuck. i guess was open-ended. grace, i want to hear from you and then charles i would hear from you and congressman you get the last word on. it let's go. >> yeah i think that, what you are describing is really a crisis that we are facing as a country. as an undocumented women, -- i understand the impact the courts have in our lives. but i also know that there are many many people right now, organizing in your sydney basket, in my state of texas, and all around to ensure that there are more more people packing the courts. more people who understand their own duty and do not use it as a political -- to advance a white nationalist agenda. and so i'm here, as part of united, dream and a progressive movement that are ready to take on that. fight >> charles?
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>> and i would -- the simone brought to the leaked decision the court may make public. i think in my hope is that it will mobilize and energize the electorate. oftentimes this electric is, are people who have wanted congress to adjust critical issues like jobs, and the economy, inflation, housing, and education. and that relief, student debt relief. i think there is a potential for people learning about the potential, and a subsequent decision by the court that could energize. and i think that will have a bearing on who is elected president in the next few years. and certainly the makeup of congress, of course the outcome of the pending elections in
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states like georgia, and texas, we'll also have a bearing. that is why we need to be watching closely. but i think that all of this underscores the importance that elections have consequences, and that we had better get ourselves to those voting polls. >> you know, charles, you are telling you that we had to go but you introduce this conversation about the courts and so, i am going to have you back my friends of the we can talk more length about this, because i do think that it is a crisis that people aren't paying enough attention to. illinois congressman, tua garcia, charles, blow and rosa. we will have you vaccine. all right, coming up, a somber dry day in buffalo where victims of last week shooting are being remembered. retinol sharpen spend time with some of their families and he is joining me to talk about battling crimes in america. and what he wants the white house to do next, stay with. thise whit house to do next, stay with. this (mom allen) verizon just gave us all a brand new iphone 13. (dad allen) we've been customers for years. (dad brown) we got iphone 13s, too. switched two minutes ago, literally right before this.
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(vo) iphone 13 on us. on any unlimited plan. for every customer. with plans starting at just $35. all on the network more people rely on.
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racist violence shattered so many lies in buffalo, new york. a moment of silence was held this afternoon marking the exact moments when ten people were shot and killed at a top supermarket, all of them are black. that attack is now being investigated as a hate crime. the community has started to say goodbye to some of its victims. today a service took place for the youngest victim, 32-year-old roberta -- yesterday loved ones remembered 63-year-old hayward patterson. now, here with us after his visit to buffalo this week, is reverend al sharpton. he is the host of msnbc's politicsnation and the founder of -- thank you reverend for being. here you spent time with some of these families. i want to play what they had to say and get your reaction on the other side. >> when i need a village to help me raise and be here for
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my son. because he has no father. >> i'm gonna shoot people down like dogs? that doesn't make any sense to me. >> she was my best friend. one of my to do? one of my supposed to do now? i keep seeing her face, coming up everywhere i look. >> reverend, i am tearing up watching those videos. what did you learn from these families about the impact on this community? >> it was an attack stream lee vallow shuttle visit for me. as you know symone i've been doing this for decades, but it never stops -- >> i can't hear you rough. >> hello? >> we can't hear you arrive. hold on. we are gonna get the audio together. as a reminder, reverend sharpton has been in buffalo. he went to visit with the families who are, there who were impacted by this, i mean
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it was a hate crime,'s terrorist attack. people often say when we talk more about domestic terrorism, the kkk, where the original domestic terrorists, and the violence visited upon buffalo, new york is nothing. you reverent can you hear me? >> i hear you. do you hear me? >> i can hear. you go right ahead. >> even though i've been doing this work for decades, it never stops tearing me up inside as we stood there, we had four families there. i went as president of the national action network, we often help those family that needs help with funeral expenses, because the state can only give $6,000 a funeral. so we have v -- i met with them and have the press conference you just showed and we had a citywide prayer rally with the citywide topped his ministers conference.
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-- as i said in the rally, there is no way you can look at this and not deal with the human factor. when you saw this mom this mother, what am i supposed to say to my kid? he collapsed. i'm gonna show this on politics nation in an hour. he collapsed into my front, my chest, and just copyright, a young man, 12 years old, the son of -- couldn't even talk. he wanted to speak about his father. people forget these are human beings. he's a man, with a terrorist attack, outlined with whole manifesto, coming with this replacement theory, and just decided to go to the only supermarket in the black community in buffalo, and just inadvertently killed people. it was a traumatic experience to visit, but imagine the trauma they relive with they will live with for the rest of
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their lives. it is not about politics. it is not about who you. like it's about killing innocent people that was going shopping on a saturday afternoon. >> this is devastating. rabbi can't help but think about the fact that we are days away from the two year anniversary of the killing of george floyd. there was a new washington post -- poll that say three quarters of black americans say they are worried that they or their loved ones will be attacked because of their race. a real level of anxiety that black, people brown, people feel right now. the fact that you could be murdered by for just going about your daily life, going to your grocery store, jogging, this is just devastating. how do we move forward knowing that? >> we've got to take action home on hate crimes. i've asked the president to convene a summit on dealing with. this because the black community from charleston,
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south carolina, to buffalo, is the asian community that had to deal with under attack. it's the jewish community and synagogues in pittsburgh as well as in san diego. it's the lgbtq, it's native americans, we need to deal with how we intensify hate crime. that they're using social media to give the kinds of things that would make this young man say he was radicalized and felt would he was doing was right, and we see all of these different shooters, when we get a stop and say we are in an era of hate crime and do something? secondly, we've got to do with guns. but with so frightening to me symone, there was a time in generations before us, that they coup clue plucks clan would do this, they would wear hoods. this man was livestreaming killing people. they're not even shamed anymore. the government must stand up and do something about.
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>> reverence sharpton, thank you so much for being today in your rousing call for action. >> thank you. >> coming up, my exclusive interview with education secretary miguel cardona. you'll stay with us. stay with us. is there a plan coming? well first here is cory coffin with today's of the top news stories. >> stories that we're watching in this hour in the state of michigan -- officials say one person is still uncounted for their working to respond downs powell lines and blocked roadways president biden around sussex oakley alliance with south korea, -- where he'll held talks with south korea's president.
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president biden also said he'd be open to meetings with north korea's president if he were quote sincere and serious. and president biden signed another bill providing emergency aid to ukraine earlier today, while russia is declaring victory over a steel plant in mariupol. in addition, russia has confirmed its -- and villains bid to join nato. more symone after the break. ymone after the break. but walmart's got your back with thousands of rollbacks so you get everything you need to keep your summer rollin'. because when you save money, you can live better. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. panera chefs have crafted a masterpiece...
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so i sat down with secretary of education cardona to talk about the biggest problems in education across the country. and you can bet, student that was at the top of that list. take a listen. let's talk soon, loads of people want to know, let's just get the numbers. here there are 45 million americans out there who owe a trillion, 1.7 trillion in federal and private student loans. two thirds of those borrowers are women. it is my understanding that, under the biden administration, the department of education has already forgiven 17 billion dollars, with a b, worth of debt for more than 725,000 borrowers, is that correct? >> actually, it is 18 billion. >> oh it is 18. >> right and 750. thousand so we haven't stopped. i mean this is something is really important the president, and to myself.
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we recognize that our brewers have been tethered in that. so i will give you an example, a public service loan forgiveness. >> the plus per program, right. >> it's called public service loan forgiveness republic service who work for ten years in public service, like teachers, nurses. after ten years of service, and loan payment, they should have the loans forgiven. well, from 2017, 2021 when lord forgive should've been happening, 98% of them were rejected. so what we are doing now is we are cleaning that up. we are revisiting those claims that were rejected, and 750,000 people received emails saying, you're either further along in that relief, or you don't have any doubt at all. >> the president, on the campaign trail. i was there, he did make a commitment to forgive $10,000 worth of to linda. that is yet to happen. so where are we in that process? >> you heard the president couple weeks ago mention that something should be coming soon. that he is having conversations
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with the department of education, and doj on this. so we are a year in, 18 billion dollars endeavor give us already. we are not done. >> what's the holdup, mister secretary? >> well i mean, this is a pretty complex issue. and we've a lot of other things that the president has been fighting for, that support education as well. we are about a year in a few months in. we are not done. but that doesn't mean that we haven't stopped looking for ways to protect for hours, and provide some loan that relief. as long as, secretary as i am secretary of education, we're gonna continue to buy. you know broward events, they're ecologist vantage of students. for generations into just want to chase iraq and dream, and they were misled. we are given once there as well. >> okay, so separate from that broadbased relief, i want to talk about the pause to lower payments. the federal government paused in order payments. the first extension was when i thought the white house, last year. earlier this year again payments were, repayments or paused.
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payments are expected to start again august 31st of this year. why does the federal government believe it is important for, like does the federal government need this money? >> well, i think the loans were taking out and to pay for school so that is basically it. i mean we want to make sure that the process within easy, and we want to make sure that our borrowers are not paying more than they can afford. it didn't happen overnight, so it's not going to be fixed overnight. but i can assure you the work you have done since day one, under this administration, has put the ball was first, has forgiven loans were possible, but is also a the process a lot easier for our borders to manage. >> so this all boils down to some people are gonna get their staff are given, public service, you're gonna make it easier or more manageable for people to start the repayment process. but at some point, people are gonna have to start paying. >> at some, white people are gonna have to start paying with a converted. >> all right, we'll have more of my interview with secretary cardona in just a few minutes. but first, i want to bring in democratic congresswoman joyce beatty who also chairs a
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congressional back caucus, greetings chairwoman. think you for joining us. today >> thank you, so much of my honor to be here with you symone. so thank you symone and thank you for coming up. >> absolutely. so i know that the congressional black caucus but as statement friday on student debt. everyone that i've talked to, all the advocates since that time had told me that this was huge, and major, and they were grateful to the caucus for speaking out on the issue. but you know showed the secretary say there, the people are gonna have to start paying back their loans. so i'm wondering, what is an acceptable compromise, if you will, to the congressional black caucus on the issue of student debt? >> well, we think that obviously we want the debt canceled. we know the president has talked about the $10 million, billion dollars. we also think you have to look at, all students aren't. equal one size fit all. when you take a look at the
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range of cancellations that could be out there, maybe we need to look at the loans in the interest on the roads. maybe we need to look at what is good for someone who might be making 40,000 in a household, maybe of two that's 80,000. but because of 250, 000, and you are making 300, 000, well that small amount is not going to do anything. so i think we have to sit down, we have requested a meeting. we have some individuals who were here on this for more than a year. congresswoman ayanna pressley has been a leader in working with me, we spent our entire congressional black caucus on wednesday with clyde burn has played in. so we've number of members who are at the forefront of this, and we would like to discuss our range of cancellations and modifications that we make.
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we are also in line, step with the naacp and working with other civil rights organizations. this is not something that we can just wait and say, well pay whatever you can. we know that the numbers are huge when it comes to the debt that they carry, and the number of students, and especially black americans who are carrying the steady. >> well, congresswoman, we look forward to following up on your equestrian meeting. with the white house. i want to talk very weekly with re-district gang. a federal appeals court reinstated congress congressional map in florida. state judge finalize the new map in new york, and in both cases the number of black representatives could be affected. let's just be clear, they are going to be affected. what is it progression black hawk is doing in response to these new maps? >> well, just this morning in light of what happened friday,
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i've talked to the head of new york delegation, top democratic leader hakeem jeffries, talk to -- jones who is also affected. he is now going to, hasn't that he is going to run in a new district. so at least that takes us from having three democrats not running against each other, in 10:16, and 17. but here's the point to this, there are consequences elections. because when you look at new york, and that's a perfect example. your mayor and governor who drew lines, but yet you have three justices appointed by the last administration to throw them out, and bring harm, i call it voter suppression, to those black members. and the reason is, when black americans leave, we get people registered, people go, we have a large voting bloc, and we win. and i think that is emanating
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to the republicans. >> well, congresswoman joyce bailey, we are gonna have to leave it. there will have to have you back. chairwoman of the congressional black caucus, thank you very much. >> all right, next, more my interview with education secretary miguel cardona, on the turbulence inside schools that are now the battleground for the nation's biggest political debates. political debates. political debates. to the owner of a large manufacturing firm. i've got anywhere from 10 to 50 projects going at any given time. i absolutely have to be sharp. let me tell ya, i was struggling with my memory. it was going downhill. my friend recommended that i try prevagen and over time, it made a very significant difference in my memory and in my cognitive ability. i started to feel a much better sense of well-being. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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here to meet those high standards is the walgreens health and wellness brand. over 2000 high quality products. rigorously tested by us. real world tested by you. and delivered to your door in as little as one hour. and across the country american teachers, their second a -- climate. you know covid, racial tensions, right there right now with reading and writing unrest medic. these are all issues that are educators are dealing with every single day. so, i asked secretary cardona about these unprecedented times in our schools when we sat down, take a listen. >> we are in a school, again, people who are watching cannot tell. you are just right on with the students. we walked in and, i feel like you immediately wanted teacher.
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mode >> hi everyone how are you? >> good. >> i don't if it's true or not, of it's just a rumor. but i heard that this is the smartest class in -- is that true? >> you must? classroom >> i do, i do. i am a teacher. being around sentencing the joy, and their energy, that's one inspires me to do the word. you >> talk to me a little bit about the department of education's efforts under your leadership to open schools and keep schools open. >> you know, i mean you saw in the classrooms, soon to be together. they need to be the teachers, that sense of community, we know in many ways when students are not in school, they are more risk. so once where it will identify ways to safely reopen schools and make sure that their resources available to schools, thanks american rescue plan, superintendents like doctor strike here, double they had to do to make sure the parents knew their children safe and it's going to be. opening >> i wanna talk to about a new york times report from earlier this month. a detailed the learning loss that were imposed by school
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closures, pardon me schools going remote. and the report about how the contributed to education inequity, and you talk about the disparities and high poverty areas versus schools in wealthier school districts. on the report described this as a generational loss. how do we begin to repay the loss the streams across the country are feeling due to remote learning because the pandemic? >> without question. i mean, i am speaking as a father to. you are two highschoolers. and when they were forced to go remote, and even hybrid because heart is not the same as fully in person, i did see a dip. in a lot of things, academics, social and emotional well-being, and that's why we pushed from day one to get our schools open. that is why the american rescue plan was critical to get our schools open. we went from 46% of our schools open on day one of president
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biden, and vice president harris is charmed, overhead person overnight and 90% plus 90% in november. so a lot of effort went into that and now we are focused on recovery. we are focusing on making sure that students of tablets, have summer school programs, after school programs available to them. ensuring that class sizes are smaller, that more support is there for that economic recovery. you know it's important to remember, before the pandemic, that the human disparities were ridiculous. they become normalized in our country. it's almost like week speck them. the pandemic made it worse. it is with the greatest sense of urgency now that we have to address them and providing students with opportunities. -- >> i know so many parents the truly live in fear of their child's school closing again,
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due to covid-19. the cdc in the white house frankly are currently warning of a search coming this fall due to covid-19, this pandemic is still here. can you guarantee that schools are not gonna get shut down again? >> our schools need to stay open. we have the mitigation strategies that work. vaccine vaccinations are available for almost every american right now, and they are free and accessible. we have better tools now. we have better signs. now i think what we need to think about as what we are doing, how we are harming children when they are not in school. i do not have to tell you about students mental health issues, suicide rates, and just a lack of connection with of the students have really damaged their mental health and well-being. for me, not having schools open can create greater risk for students, because we have tools to keep pursuing safe in the pandemic. >> so you're not up from moments of closing schools due to the pandemic? >> not at all right. now it's something different happens obviously -- >> let's talk about teachers. there's a teacher shortage in
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this country. what exactly is the department of education doing to address this? >> one of my goals is to help with the profession. teachers were heroes on one day, then blamed for school closures the next. i want to better competitive salary for educators, good working conditions, better professional development, opportunity staff social rutgers and school so the stuff teachers can work with the social workers to work with the students. and the teachers voice. we need to reimagine education. -- we need to make sure that their voices are part of the price process, as we him reimagined schools and make them better than they were before. >> mister secretary, i want to turn to the current political climate, and how it is affecting our schools. there are a number of people who are asking, when do it our schools get so political? that question is shocking to me because, the supreme court case
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had to desegregate our schools. i'm thinking about the bills currently, in places like florida and texas that are targeting lgbtq+ students and parents and teachers, i'm thinking about the more than 1500 book banning's that have happened. hasn't educational's been political in this country? >> there is been a rush of poor decisions being made politicizing education. it's unfortunate that across the country we are seeing so many laws trying to create division and our schools. schools are places that unite people. you saw that in the classroom. it's like a second family for these kids. as my responsibility that we lead, all schools being inclusive environment for all students. i was -- transgender day of visibility with transgender students and families, saying i gotcha, do we got your back. -- investigate thoroughly any claims of students civil rights being violated. and we are prepared to make
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sure we are supporting our students and fighting back on behalf of the students if they feel like their rights being violated. >> i think that there are lot of people out there who are wondering, how could really address the issue and reckon with the role that race plays in our society if so many places across the country, teachers cannot even talk about it at school with their students? >> i really think that race is not an issue, or the there are people who think that race is not an issue that racial tension is not an issue, and that is unfortunate. -- we need to make sure that our institutions of learning are places where students diver embrace diversity, and recognize that together we are stronger. diversity is one of our greatest assets. this country was founded on diversity. >> how are you counseling students and teachers? how are you helping them navigate this political climate? cause teachers feel like they are under attack in places across the country. folks are losing their jobs. >> we have provided more
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guidance in this one year to the department of education at the federal level than ever before. a lot of our guidance includes how to deal with situations whether it is division, are supporting all, students and creating clues of environments. >> across the country, there are these bills and attempts of policy to ban transgender children from participating in sports. they are banning trans children from participating in sports of their gender. i'm wondering where you come down on. this >> i will tell you, all millions all. all children in this country deserve the opportunity to take advantage of everything the school provides. it's my responsibility to be clear on. that and to fight for students who are being targeted right now. a walk into schools that are less inclusive than they were three years ago. we are not gonna tolerate that. >> many thanks again to education secretary miguel cardona for taking the time to
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sit down with me. next my symone says. i tell you, it is time for the disrespect to stop for black women. black women. welcome to your world. your why. what drives you? what do you want to leave behind? what do you want to give back? what do you want to be remembered for? that's your why. it's your purpose, and we will work with you every step of the way to achieve it. at pnc private bank,
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of our nation. many people did not even blink an eye when senators bill cassidy's comments of removing black women from louisiana's political deathly. >> he said, african americans have a higher incidence of maternal metallic to the. so if you, if you correct our population for race, we're not as much of an outlier as would otherwise appear. >> i re-catching on how dangerous that languages? how can you acknowledge that black women that you say are dying, and then excludes them from the conversation? it's absolutely unacceptable. and he said it so casually. he didn't even give it a second thought. i think of all the black women out there, poor, middle class, rich. serena rooms for example, she has had her women after giving birth. she said she nearly died because a nurse thought she was crazy when she raised concerns. it is not only a matter of class, but the intersection of being both black and a woman.
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america has gotten way too comfortable distance wrist respecting black women, whether it is vice president kamala harris -- or the disrespect of black women is there. please take this as a public service announcement. black women deserve every piece of your respect. every second of the day. not only when we are coming to your rescue. not only when you eu we are being strong and fighting for you. but every day. to my black women out there, to my sisters, who have ever been told to shut up for sit down, i'm here to tell you not on my watch. continue to speak out. show up. and in the great words of shirley chisholm, if they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair, or build your own table. and with that, we'll be right back. righ back you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just about anything. thanks, dad. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie.
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thanks for watching this
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♪ ♪ ♪i'm so defensive,♪ ♪i got bongos thumping in my chest♪ ♪and something tells me they don't beat me♪ ♪ ♪ ♪he'd better not take the ring from me.♪
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edition of symone i.m. symone sanders union catch me here on msnbc every saturday and sunday 4 pm eastern. tomorrow i will be joined by comedian latte love, and grammy award winning musician, and multi media business woman candy burris. but right now, i am happy to turn things over to my friend wraparound al sharpton. hey rev. >> hey thank you symone, and good evening and welcome to politics. nation tonight's lead, lessons from buffalo.


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